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On the Road with Tonner – Upcoming Events: SDCC, UFDC, & Modern Doll!

by on June 13, 2011

Road Trip! Who's in?

Hey there friends!  Just a quick post to  give you the skinny on some of the stuff that’s going on in our office! There are some exciting things coming up on the horizon:  Tonner will be taking to the open road this summer!  We’ll be heading out on a road trip to attend SDCC, UFDC and Modern Doll.   Okay, you’re probably right:  We probably WON’T rent an RV the size of Texas and pile the staff inside, with Robert at the wheel, and watch them ride off into the sunset towards our next doll show.  But wouldn’t it be cool if we did?  Can  you just imagine?!  Nonetheless, whether it be by road, by air, or by ocean, we’ll be heading across this great country for some amazing doll shows the summer!

After the whirlwind of convention is finally over (for now!), we’re moving forward and getting ready for our next few events:  San Diego Comic ConUFDC, and Modern Doll.  SDCC takes place July 21-24, UFDC is July 25-29, in Anaheim, California, and finally, Modern Doll is September 14-17 in San Antonio, TX.

As you well know, these are all very different shows.  SDCC is a very comic book/art oriented show, centralized more around pop culture than fashion.  This show has one of the largest turn outs in the world, with, quite literally,  millions of attendees.  It gets tons of press, and is broadcast live on the cable channel G4.  Often, many celebrities come and make an appearance for publicity purposes, and others still come just for the fun!  For example, last year Joe Manganiello, the actor who plays Alcide on HBO’s True Blood, made an appearance among MANY others.  We’re quite certain he caused a stir…  So, friends, if you aren’t attending, you should totally tune into the G4 channel, you just might see the Tonner booth, as you were able to last year!  If you ARE attending, stop by and see us:  Booth # 4149!

San Diego Comic Con

The 62nd UFDC Convention, held in Anaheim, CA this year, is directly following SDCC.  United Federation of Doll Clubs Convention is a wonderful event for the numerous regional UFDC  clubs across the country, and as a result, it’s a HUGE show!  We’re holding an event at UFDC this year, too, and it’s going to be super special, since it’s thrown by the swankiest event planner/florist/caterer trio in the East:  Andy Mills, Cami & Jon!  They’ve decided to throw a New Year’s Eve Gala, and, let me tell you, they plan on partying like it’s 1999!  If you’re attending UFDC, you should absolutely sign up for our event, you won’t be dissappointed.

Antoinette from 2010 UFDC

Last, but certainly not least, we’ll be traveling to the  Modern Doll Convention in San Antonio, TX come September.  This is a wonderful doll convention, and has been held annually for the last 30 years.  The Modern Doll Convention  is famous for aiming to promote the education and enjoyment of dolls with their many seminars and workshops at their Convention.  There will be, of course, a Tonner event, as well as a Wilde Imagination event!  Hope to see you there!

…and we would be remiss if we didn’t at least mention our 2011 Halloween Convention:  October 28-30.  We sure hope you can make it, and we’re already starting the wheels in motion to ensure an AMAZING show!  The theme this year is going to be Scary Tales.  Sounds frightfully fun, doesn’t it?? This year, in addition to the usual fun stuff we do (costumes, dancing, dolls!), there’s also going to be a midnight Wilde Imagination event!  Be there or be []!

Come and see us on the road, friends!  It’s going to be a great summer, and the only thing that would make it even better is MORE FRIENDS!

From → Events

  1. miladyblue permalink

    I wish we could somehow get a convention going here in Washington State, all my friends who get to go to the others sound like they have a ball, each and every time.

    • Hi there! Thanks very much for the comment. You never know where the next Tonner Convention will pop up next! We’ll certainly add Washington State to our suggestion box. That would certainly give our west coast friends a little love! There are many factors that play into where we hold our conventions, so it’s not as straight forward as you might think to pick a place. If you can suggest any great convention hotels in your area, we could certainly add that to your suggestion. Thanks again, Miladyblue, for taking the time to leave us your thoughts!

      Team Tonner

  2. Ken permalink

    Hey there! Any word on what the SDCC exclusive is going to be this year? Will it be from Marvel or DC? or BOTH?!

    • Hiya Ken!

      The SDCC Exclusive is in production as we speak, and there will be an announcement in the coming days/week of who it’s going to be! We can’t wait to reveal it, it’s going to be HUGE!! You can also check out for more info when the announcement hits. Will you be joining us at Comic Con, Ken? We’ll be at booth # 4149, so please feel free to stop on by and say hello!

      Team Tonner

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