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QR Code Scavenger Hunt? Let’s do it!

by on May 10, 2011


Greetings, friends!  As we continue to feverishly plan for convention, we’re kicking around loads of ideas to keep everyone who’s not able to attend engaged and interested.  Basically, we want to bring as much of the convention as we can TO YOU!

One of the things we will be doing at the convention this year is a QR Code Scavenger Hunt!  Attendees may pair up, if they don’t have their own smartphone, and the very first clue will be provided that hints at where the location of the next QR Code is hidden.   Once all QR Codes are collected and scanned, a secret message will be revealed… but first contestants will have to unscramble it!  Sound like fun?

One of the things we can do to parallel this fun, so you can ALL participate, attendee or not, is to have a VIRTUAL QR Code Scavenger Hunt across the web!  I know what some of you are thinking:  But I don’t have a smartphone!  That is a perfectly reasonable concern and objection.  But guess what:  We’ve found an app that can be downloaded to your computer that will read QR Codes !  The only thing is you’ll need a Webcam.  And the good news is that if you have a laptop, you probably already have a webcam.

For more information on QR Codes, check out our facebook post we wrote to get people excited about this new technology.  It also includes a list of different apps for use on your smartphone, and a ‘test’ QR Code to get you geared up.

So, your mission, if you choose to accept, is this:  We’d give the clues not all at once, but throughout the whole weekend.  The clues will be tricky, and will lead you to where in the world wide web you’ll find the next QR Code.  Of course there will be a prize involved, and the winner would be the first one to complete the mission of finding all QR codes, and possibly solving a jumbled phrase or the like.

Are you in???

From → Convention

  1. Collector permalink

    So, let me get this straight . . . .

    If I don’t have a smart phone, I need the following:

    1. A working webcam
    2. Adobe AIR installed
    3. A printer, so I can print the code, then hold it up to the webcam for a picture
    4. QReader program, downloaded from a site that my security program doesn’t trust.

    Except for those individuals who do have a smart phone, I don’t think this is a good idea.

    • Hi Collector! Just wanted to thank you for your comment, we really appreciate your feedback. Yes, you are accurate with your four talking points, though we can’t speak to whether your computer will ‘trust’ the download of the software. We included that information about the desktop app for QR codes so that we could attempt to include EVERYBODY in this contest, but we are aware that unfortunately that may be impossible. Just wanted to give out ALL the options, that’s all.

      We are truly sorry if you won’t be able to join in the Virtual QR Code Scavenger, but there will be loads of other Convention-related entertainments to indulge in, so no worries, Collector!

      Again, thanks for your feedback on this, much appreciated!

      Team Tonner

    • disappointed permalink

      I agree with Collector, a majority of us don’t have these doodads and don’t want to download a bunch of nothing ness to play. Not well thought out or maybe it is hummm less contestants for a prize. Keep it simple for those of us that can not be at the conventions. IMO

      • Hey Disappointed,

        Thanks very much for your feedback. The point of blogging the whole Con experience is FOR those who cannot be at the convention, but we certainly see your point about the scavenger hunt.
        Sorry you don’t have the doodad you need, and that downloading the app we suggested won’t work for you. 😦 Don’t worry, you can still get the whole experience by following along on the blog! Thanks again for your comment, and have a great day!

        Team Tonner

  2. I love this idea! I’m sorry for those who don’t have a smartphone, but I’m sorry for me who can’t make it to the convention! This will at least give me a way to feel like I can participate. I look forward to it!

    • Hi Shannon,

      Thanks for your comments, we really appreciate your feedback! It’s going to be a fun experiment of sorts, since we’re hoping to do this again in the future. It’s a great way to engage those who can’t attend, and bring a some fun from convention TO THEM! Naturally, it would be ideal if everyone had a smartphone, but we did our best to try and offer options for all. And the great thing is that we’re sure to learn something from all of this to apply to the next Virtual QR Code Scavenger Hunt! Thanks again for your comments, Shannon!


      Team Tonner

  3. Beth permalink

    Nope, sorry cant do it either, wont work on my phone… and no web cam or printer. If it was just a matter of running the mouse icon over it, maybe, but oh well, done for the weekend

    • Beth,

      Sorry to hear you aren’t able to participate. Don’t worry though, there’s tons of other fun Con stuff coming your way! We appreciate you trying, and stay tuned for up-to-the-minute updates! Thanks for trying, Beth!

      Team Tonner

  4. Laurie permalink

    It really is not fair to those who cannot afford a smartphone, etc. I know being unemployeed I cannot afford a smartphone and it seems the only reliable way of scanning the codes… 😦

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